Auxiliars de Conversa

Benvolgudes famílies,

Aquest curs la nostra escola continua amb el programa d’Auxiliars de Conversa en llengua anglesa que té
com a objectiu principal millorar el nivell d’anglès dels vostres fills i filles. Durant el present curs acadèmic tindrem dues auxiliars: la Megan Hickling ,originària de Norfolk (Anglaterra), que estarà a infantil i primària; i l’Elena Miceli procedent de Rhode Island (Estats Units) que ajudarà l’alumnat de secundària i cicle superior de primària.
Totes dues han començat el curs amb moltes ganes i el màxim interès i estem segurs que els vostres fills i
filles milloraran el seu nivell de llengua anglesa gràcies a les seves aportacions.

Moltes gràcies per la confiança.


My name is Megan Hickling, I am 19 years old and I am from the UK. I recently completed my studies in Biology, Chemistry and Spanish, and have since taken a gap year in Spain. I did this to improve my Spanish, immerse myself in the country and experience Spanish culture, from the South and the North. My year spent travelling around Spain highlighted how much I love the country, from its culture to the people to the landscape, and this lead to my motive of wanting to live and work in Spain. I am passionate about languages and sharing my experiences, which is why I grasped the opportunity to teach English at Jesus Maria, as a language assistant, in Badalona.

Whilst in Badalona, I am staying with a host family. This is the perfect opportunity for me to practice and improve my Spanish, as well as sharing my culture and language.
I am patient, hard-working and keen to learn as much as I can during this academic year, and make the most of my experience in this city. I love to meet new people and learn about different cultures. I can’t wait to make new memories and learn even more about this amazing country!


Hello! My name is Elena Miceli, I am 22 years old and I’m from Exeter, Rhode Island, in the United States (the smallest US state). I attended college an hour from Boston, and I studied Spanish and Italian. During college I volunteered teaching English to immigrants and participated in unaccompanied minor programs. Spain is the third foreign country that I’ve lived in, including Italy and Argentina, and I know I’ll grow a lot from this experience. My hobbies include traveling, writing and exploring different cultures. My love of languages and traveling has brought me to this job, and I’m excited to begin sharing my language and my culture with the students of Jesus María!

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